hell girl

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I'm back from what was the most painful but the most enjoyable weekend I've had in my entire life. Okay, so maybe there've been other enjoyable weekends, but none mixed in with such pain ever. Note I've said pain three times already - Did I mention the key word was pain? So I left for KL on Friday evening after having seen the sin seh at Ghim Moh. He said I had put too much pressure on it and massaged and bandaged it with some smelly medication, saying I wasn't to put ANY pressure whatsoever on it, or get the bandage off for two full days. "Erm, ok," I said to him in lousy mandarin. But inside my head I was thinking... Forgeddabowdeed. It did hurt like dilly-oh though, and just lifting a fork to eat made me wince. But I tried not to focus on it, but on the rides ahead. Baby did a lot of encouraging, and I could see he was really excited about the weekend. He tried to mask his disappointment at my fuct hand. I secretly prayed for it to heal overnight.

Alas, when we woke the next day, it was still hurting. I washed off the gross medication and put on my kit. Then, wore a wrist guard and tested my stance on Shadowfax. Hmmm, I thought. As long as I kept the main pressure on the spot between my thumb and finger, the pain was minimalised. One false move and I could just stack it though. Not good.

The ride at Batu Dam

The first day: We went riding at Batu Dam in KL. It was a fairly easy trail (similar to BT, our guide had said, but I thought it was easier) but it was beautiful. We had a good group of riders, so everything was kept really light and humorous. I finished the 16km single-track ride feeling like I hadn't started, and generally felt very chuffed at having the level of fitness to enjoy it. And my hand had miraculously healed! The pain was totally gone - Andrew was right. It was probably a pinched nerve or something. And biking shifted everything around, and the pain just vanished. So I was kind of on a high as well, but inside I secretly dreaded the next day's ride.

I knew it was going to be horrendous, but I tried to think positive - with his help anyway. Was hoping to meet up with Stef and dan but after lunch at kiara, the entourage decided to drive straight to Cameron to save time. Good move, really. When we finally got to Cameron - still muddy from the day's ride - we had a bit of a drama with the caretakers at the Keppel Villa. Won't go into too much detail but basically we had a kerfuffle with the caretaker, before having a very very late dinner, where we got ripped off eating a really crappy steamboat served by androgynous he-she's (who were silently giving Lynten the eye, much to his horror).

My hell ride in Cameron

The second day: I can't even begin to describe this ride. Let's just say it was everything I was mentally preparing myself for, and then some. Pure torture. The first bit at the trail head entailed a 6km pure climb. I told myself not to stop and that it should be a piece of cake, since I'd been doing half hour climbs in the gym for over 10km. I was right, it was do-able, even though it hurt a little. I held it together and Andrew was very happy to spin along beside me during the last kilometre or so. Then, the boys bombed down the hill for quite a long way. We went downhill-ish for quite along way, till we go to the bit where we anticipated the 7km killer climb. Baby strapped on the tow-rope and told me to go at my own pace and not to worry if I couldn't keep up coz he would do some pulling where I fell short.

He really was my hero. Throughout the climb, he'd gasp out words of encouragment like "That's it baby, you're doing great", "Don't stop baby, don't give up", or "Come on baby, let's make it to the top". At one point, we stopped coz I cramped up real bad. We'd bypassed the other riders twice and not stopped and when I siezed up, we had to stop to stretch. He looked right into my eyes with a proud smile on his face, and I stammered in pain, fighting back the tears, the mucas and the hyperventilation.

I obviously tried to act tough by distracting myself..

Me: You need a shave.
A: [Laughs] I tell you what. I'll have a shave, if you make it up to the top with me.
Me: Deal.

I made it to the top.

(He shaved.)

The climb must have been another 7km. On a dirty-cum-dusty track. With gravel and rocks at every corner. With steep climbs at every single turn. It hurt like hell. And when we finally made it to the top, I thought I was going to cry out in pain/joy. But I decided to sit quietly and get over it, seeing as a few riders were already there and cheering us on. I attempted a feeble smile, which broke out into a more sincere-looking one (accompanied with much squinting from the sun/pain) when they dubbed baby "Android" and "Superman". It was true - I couldn't have made it to the top without him.

It's not like I stopped pedalling at any point during our climb. I hurt like crazy and I tried to push on. But him being constantly in front of me, leading the way, and encouraging me whenever he heard my whimpers, acted as huge moral support. THAT was love - I thought. A bit of a painful way to experience it though.

Suffering beside me all the way
More pix from Ming's album here.

We finally made it back to the car after a total of 47km, which doesnt' sound like a lot, but really it was considering we spent a fair bit of it climbing. It was the single most difficult thing I've ever done in my life, I thought. The other riders didn't find it easy, either. And I was with the X-Men really, so that's saying something about how difficult it was. At first I thought it was just me, but I later found out it wasn't. All I can say is that I have never been so happy to see a car in my entire life. We got back to the carpark, and the other riders whooped and gave us high-fives. We'd made it. Together.

A: I can literally say I'd climb the highest mountain for you.
Me: With me on your back.
A: [Laughs] Yes, that's right. I'd tow you anytime.

We'll be going on more rides now, coz I'm ready, he says. Accomplishing this ride apparently means I could do anything now. Well, that sounds like a great reward! All in all, it was a great weekend. Total calories burnt on that ride alone? He reckons at least 3000 calories. Hmm, that explains why Dimitrius and Margaret (my worms) must be so hungry all the time. They'd been throwing parties all weekend, and my appetite's been scarily resembling that of a man's. Always the Starvin' Marvin.

And now it's back to the grind. But if that bully at work pulls any fast ones on me....

I've been to hell and back. Get out of my way.

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  • From Singapore
  • Warning: Training diaries of a crazy little person who likes whizzing about and being silly.
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