when the bones go crunch


... you know you're gonna feel a whole lot better.

Really took the opportunity to stretch myself out this morning, pulling on every single muscle and lengthening my spine as much as poss. I could feel everything crunch from time to time and it really felt very good. I definitely feel a lot looser right now. Dr K's music never changes but I really love the calming effect it has on me. The one long track he uses somehow reminds me of the background music of The Sims though. I wonder where he got it from. Might just go up to him and see if I could get a copy. Teehee.

Decided to hop on the Tanita machine for the first time since June and the results were astounding. I've put on weight but fallen by 5%. That's just insane. But it does make me feel like I've gotten a result for working the hardest I ever have. Still, you can never tell with these machines... One day it likes you, another day it doesn't. Never trust a machine, I say. Haha.

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casa shemboy

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the leongs

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jem t and carl

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shem and hansel

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mrs fang

sunday brick session


Today's training was real nice. Shem hosted the crew once again and Casa Shem was like a big fat transition area. The driveway was littered with bikes, tools, cooler boxes, shoes, and all other tri paraphernalia - I honestly don't know how his parents put up with us. But they do and they're the bomb for it!

I took it easy on today's break session with the team. The husband and I were tempted to train together on the tandem but I knew a 60km bike ride was just not on the cards for me today, especially at his speed. Plus we hadn't even had a trial session to test out coordination and such, which would be oh-so-important at traffic light junctions, filter lanes and the like. The 'fast' crew consisted of myself, Lin, Jem T, Col aka Flyboy and Gretel. The others were labelled the 'deadly fast' crew. There is no room for 'slow' in the team, or so they say ;)

Lin, being an avid marathoner, gave me some running tips to help me run more efficiently and I immediately started panting less. Sadly, I started feeling the tendonitis niggle in my knee after two-ish ks and decided to turn around and head back. Lin and I ran right back to the welcoming cooler box and were glad to partake of its contents.

So I've spent three days this week on my road bike and have totally neglected my mountain bike. I feel kinda guilty about it but I must say I'm really starting to love being on my road bike - I hit 41km/hr on a flat for the first time today and felt rather chuffed about it. And I've just started giving my fellow teammates warning signals so that's good news too. It's all good, man.

Bike: 35km
Run: 4-5km
Bike Avg:25.5
Bike Max: 43.7
Energy: 784kcal



I had a terrible time on the bike this morning.

Haven't bonked like that in awhile. My legs felt like lead. My toes were all numb. Jem fed me half a banana and gave me his bottle of electrolytes. But 50ks into the ride and I honestly hit a wall. I was moving at 16km/hr and feeling very miserable. The guys were fab for trying to wait up for me and I was so glad they turned off for a longer ride later on without me. Suffered all the way home but the husband did great in reviving me. Iced horlicks, cheese and chocolate toast (not on the same slice) and a couple of gummies later, I'm feeling alive again and ready to get some work done.

Distance: 65.62km
Time: 2:41:24
Avg: 24.4
Max: 46.4
Energy: 839

v blur


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courtesy of shape



The ride home from work must have been a good warm-up, but I was still not feeling up to the ride at all tonight.

In fact, I must say I whinged a little and the husband did some soft encouraging to get me on the saddle. The rest of the team was riding, so I figured it'd be very unsporting not to show up last minute. The husband made me a coffee and put on some pumping tunes, and the next thing you knew, we were out on the road.

I am so glad I went.

My legs were tired from the weights this morning but somehow, I managed to push the pain out of my mind. Beef showed up and the ride was spent sucking his wheel. All I could think of was following his yellow ass - heh. Lin stuck to us too, so the train of three was fun and such a nice change from spending the long Tuas stretch trying to motivate myself to go faster. By the time we got back, I was just about to cramp and a good 100 plus was in order. Nice.

Distance: 61.3km
Time: 2:20:27
Avg: 27.0
Max: 47.9
Energy: 789kcal

I really enjoyed the ride tonight. I am feeling really good on the bike. I like this feeling =)

The company after at the kopitiam was even better. If you're reading this AAA peeps, I am lovin' you long time. Heh.


happy bike commute


This morning, the husband and I finally cycled to work.

We've been talking about doing so even before we moved in together but somehow we never got ourselves together. So we decided to get our act together and give it a go this morning. The ride was short and an easy spin, and after parking the beauties in the pantry area, I hopped straight into yoga class. Can I just say, ouch. The weekend of cycling and running has left me incredibly tight and the downward dog position put such a strain on my hamstrings and ass. No doubt about it, this morning was a lot of work and it was not pleasant.

I had a strange dream last night and it was pretty upsetting, but in an enlightening way. Orite, over and out.

About me

  • I'm Janice
  • From Singapore
  • Warning: Training diaries of a crazy little person who likes whizzing about and being silly.
  • My profile



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