lunchtime workout


I'm starting to find workouts relaxing again.

Mosied over to the gym for an hour sesh over lunch with the full intention of doing a half hour run. Am definitely gettin' my groove back - Breathing was deep as I upped the speed, my entire body loosened up and my mind totally blanked out and focused on my heartbeat. Felt very calm and truly at peace with everything. 20 minutes later, my knee started to go 'err... Janice... stop please'... So I listened and worked on strengthening instead.

I'm starting to find workouts relaxing - and enjoyable - again.

cop out


It kinda feels like a cop out to drive home after a bike ride.

But I guess it's either that or suffer the long journey home alone and out there on the road - something I'm definitely not ready for as yet. Tonight was a nice workout with sweet, friendly people. Joined Hansel, Andrea & Ee-Lyn for their Tuesday night ride to get my legs moving again after the race. Turns out they ride with quite a few of the Wheelsareturning peeps so I wasn't in unfamiliar territory. And after a couple of years of seeing Athena around the scene, I finally rode with her tonight. And boy, do I know why they call her 'Athena the Han' - Han, being her surname.

Totally alone on coastal, I felt the only way I'd keep the ride going was to catch up with whoever was in front of me. Fresh from her three day ride for the Bike 'n Blade, Athena was still super strong. We took turns shielding each other from the wind and kept a good speed, but to be honest, I felt rather sheepish whenever she took over as she'd pull us along at the very same speed but on her mountain bike with knobbies. WTF. I put Sttorm to shame tonight.

Still, it was fun. I don't know how far we went and I don't know what the stats are. But who gives :)

I wonder if I can get up early tomorrow morning..



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first overseas feat


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more pix here.

After only a few days away for my first official overseas race, I'm glad to be home. The first thing I did when I got in was mosey over to the fridge, pour myself a glass of non-mineral ice water and chew on a cold raspberry vine. Luv it.

But the weekend was an absolute blast and that's the truth. Finally got our arses down to Bintan for the triathlon and took part in the best race I've taken part in thus far. Was glad that I managed to thank Bob personally for it, as it was an absolutely fab and mental experience... One I'm not going to forget for a long time yet.

The race was definitely just what I was expected. Tough. I took the swim leg wide to avoid the 250 or so pairs of arms and legs that populated the sea when the horn blew. But jellyfish were really part of the scenery so it was quite a hairy experience. I saw at least 20 bobbing creatures but had to stop short five times when some sprang up less than 30cm away from my body. I heard lots of cursing and swearing but fortunately, I wasn't one of the many persons who got stung. The current was unbelievably strong and I could hardly move at one point. Needless to say I was one of the last out of the swim. But oh well, I was safe so yay!

The sun had come out strong by the time I started my bike leg and boy was it a scorcher. The rest of the course was hills galore. Managed to gain back some time on the saddle and took time out to enjoy the scenery. It was gorgeous. I have never been on such a beautiful race course in my life and I figured I ought to enjoy it. So even though the run leg was torturous, I stopped focusing on the path and started looking around the golf course. My leg held up well too and I managed to finish with a sprint. This made me very happy! The iced sponges came in handy and I was plenty nourished at the end of the race - so I think Tribob really did a fantastic job. The Olympic in the afternoon was just awe-inspiring to watch - as expected. Winner ex-world champ Courtney Atkinson was just a whirling dervish... 18 mins out of the water, 59 mins on the bike and 36 mins on the run. *jaw drops* I was just gawping the entire time, really.

I must say a big fat thank you to Ee-Lyn for inviting us out on this trip and putting us up at her villa. It was amazing jumping into the pool after the race and chilling with friends after the long, hard day. Thanks, babe! And thanks for all the luck and best wishes everyone!

Tentative Results
Run: 0:25:32 (144)
T1: 0:01:24
Bike: 0:48:01 (107)
T2: 0:01:17
Run: 0:37:21 (138)
Cat Pos: 7
Gen Pos: 34

before you get on a ferry..


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love your bike..

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pack it up well



I am getting a chronic case of pre-race day jitters.

My tummy's in a whirlwind, I'm a little bit high and my nerves are getting the better of me. I know this feeling is only temporary and it'll go away but I can't help but recognise it. It does make me feel different though. The husband says I ought to relish it 'coz it's not often I feel this way.

And you know?

He's right.

make-up time


I was absolutely gutted when I couldn't make the ride last night.

When I heard it started at 9pm, I rushed straight home after work, shoved on my most work-friendly jersey, some capris and heels, filled my bottles, sorted out my gear, before plonking rhinosttorm in the back of Zippy and driving to the dinner venue. I was five minutes late - But fortunately so were the others. In fact, one of them arrived much, much later. So by the time we were waiting for our main course, it was pushing 9pm and there was just no way I was going to make it down to Changi in time - Zippy or none. I decided to throw in the towel and knock back a few more glasses of the vino everyone else was having, which was really quite yummy.

I did feel like quite a dummazz sitting at a dinner table in my jersey though, but Aero was the only one who seemed to notice. Everyone else - who played a role in persuading me to skip the ride - thought it was a funky dress of sorts. Is dri-fit really that fashionable?

I suppose the consolation is that I made it to the gym this morning for a painful spin class. My legs are definitely tired and climbing was an effort. But I tried to push my threshold 'coz I know that I probably shouldn't get complacent and I'll definitely be feeling the burn this Saturday. Still, I could have done better.

Oh well... At least I woke up, I guess! zzzzzzzzzz.........

finding janice


So the swim this evening was supposed to be a recovery paddle to drain the lactic acid from my legs.

But the husband wanted to join trifam so we did our first session with them tonight. The assignment was 5 by 500m, which didn't sound all that bad except the speed was just nutso for me. Everytime they'd finished a set, I was only done with 300m. I figured I'd just press on till I was done with whatever I could manage. By my third set I definitely felt my stroke come back and I was screwdriving through the water quite nicely, I felt. But still, with quite a lot of effort. Tonight sure was a wake up call about how my body's going to feel in the water on Saturday. I sure as hell am not ready.

Worry worry worry.

Total: 1.6km

bring it on


Yesterday morning's ride was a total failure.

With heavy thoughts in my head, my legs felt like an absolute ton of bricks. I had absolutely no will to ride. And with the pace picking up fast, I decided to do what would be best for the group - leave them be. I gave Hubba the signal to go ahead without me and went off on my own. Kept a good recovery pace for 25km and just had time to contemplate my thoughts.

Made up for the cop out this morning though. Got to the gym at 6.30am and did a good 45 minutes of weights training before hitting a spin challenge for an hour. The climbs were good and I totally felt the burn. I am feeling incredibly alive right now -- Think I'm all ready for the week. Bring it on!

up and at 'em ant


Ever since I could remember, I shared a room with my sister. This went on for years and I didn't get my own room back till I hit my early 20s and was back in Singapore. So when I was told I needed to have a roommate in my term at boarding school, it wasn't much of a big deal.

Elaine was easily a nightmare roommate. She was messy, borrowed and lost your things whenever, and picked fights at you every so often out of boredom. But living with her was a good experience. We became great mates and she also taught me a great lesson in life that I will always love her for.

She taught me to lighten up really.

Believe it or not, I was always somewhat of a worry wart. I'd fuss over the littlest things, dwell on my emotions and get all upset if I felt my needs had not been met or throw a strop if I felt someone had stepped on my toes. I listened to the gloom and doom of the Smashing Pumpkins or Radiohead in the morning and I'd get all morose.

Elaine was totally different.

As soon as she got up, she'd whack on her favourite dance tracks - one of which was a really crazyass mix of Spice Girls' Wannabe. In my groggy haze, she'd grab her comb and sing in to it at me and in no time at all, a great big smile would break out on her tiny face.

It bugged me no end.... For awhile. Then the smile started to infect mine too :)

It started to get to me in a good way. And in a few months, I was jumping up and down and being silly in the mornings with her. Call it assimilation or whatever you will, but I started feeling like a happier person starting my day on a happy foot, rather than a self-indulgent suicidal one. She was blunt and blatant with me always and soon I also stopped sweatin' the small stuff and crying over spilled milk.

I did the same to my poor sister when I went home on vacations and she wanted to kill me


I managed to get up early and I'm heading to the gym. I guess it's no surprise then that the first track of the day is a pumped up house mix and I'm all set to go!

rest day, slack day


I had all the good intentions of getting some gym time in on my work trip away from home. Gym gear was all packed, trainers worn onto the plane and everything. But what was the excuse? Well, the hotel gym is located across the river from the hotel and you have to get a shuttle boat service over, which is really not a big deal - except it decided to rain.

The thought of doing squats and lunges in my room and in a bathrobe didn't sound all that enticing. So I ended up having room service and sorted out some work instead. The computer can be so addictive when you're alone. Tomorrow is ram packed with activities so there's no way I can workout then either. So I guess these few days are considered 'rest' days.

Let's just hope I don't overeat on top of it!

hang on to that bit 'o rubber


Just went for a ride and it felt amazing. With Way Out West's company, I was hot on the wheel of the green machine. Except I must say the climbing strategy I was imparted with doesn't work when you've only got the green machine to hang on to. In his aero dynamic position he is still way too strong and fast for ickle ol' me. Still, inspired by my newfound energy, I gave it all I had. Well, okay I think I had more but I copped out 'coz I got attacked my the hunger monster! Ultimate loser moment though... Here I was thinking I was pulling my average up to 30km/hr.. But when I got home I realised I was reading the distance! Doh!! Time for dinner!

Distance: 32.9km
Time: 1.5hrs
Max: 46km/hr
Avg: 25km/hr
Energy: 575kcal

decked out gym rat


getting the right fit from new balance


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our visit to new balance

Tonight, the husband and I made a trip down to the New Balance store at ComTech to get kitted out with gear as the brand had decided to sponsor us for the upcoming Osim Triathlon. To be honest, Andrew and I weren't really sure what to expect in terms of what this sponsorship would entail. When we arrived, we met up with Joanne whom I'd been liaising with over the phone and we were then introduced to Daniel - a running enthusiast by nature and a total champion for New Balance's products.

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my left foot's smaller than my right

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sussing out the feet

Our feet were analysed before we were then fitted with a plethora of shoes that'd suit our feet. Unlike me and my pronating feet, Andrew wasn't as restricted by as many requirements and got some funky red race shoes.

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trying out heaps of shoes

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.. go running!

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getting the right fit for your feet is important

I was a little more wary in selecting mine and made sure I tried them out as much as possible (i.e. going for several runs round the block in them) before deciding on a pair. Over the years, I've realised how important getting the right kind of shoes for your feet is. Gone are the days of choosing the funkiest colour or the coolest look - These days, I tend to run with the plainest shoes that cater to my pronating tendencies.

Of course I had no idea that I was flat footed till I saw a sports docter early this year. No one ever told me this when I had to go en pointe!! But somehow over the years, my feet morphed into these flat duck-like things. I'm just lucky they're not webbed as well or something. So after a lengthy chat with Daniel and a lot of fitting and testing, I selected a motion control shoe for flat footers that make me feel super snug when I've got my insoles in.

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please tell me how an ex-dancer can have flat feet!?!

In the end, we left with a nice mass of gear. We each got a brand new pair of shoes, socks, a running top, running shorts, race belts and a race bag each. Andrew got naughty and bought himself an additional pair of GREEN casual shoes to add to his Hulk collection. Sigh.

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dedicated to mummy


try, try again


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angie, giving it some

Sometimes it isn't about how fast you're going or far you go but about how you go about doing it.

Hit the trail in the late morning today with the padwan. Her hardcore three days worth of biking meant her legs were shot, and my pathetic tight chest and chicken legs meant we took the pace quite easy. The motto for the ride? Try, and try again. Make it up every single tricky bit. There's one particular bit which I can never seem to nail on the trail. I must have made it up only five times ever in the past few years - But with the husband's wise technical words in my head, I attacked it head on and nailed it on the first go. Looked behind me and so did Angie. The both of us were on a complete high from our accomplishment after and the rest of the trail seemed a breeze.

The monitor lizards were out in full force today, lazing in the sun. There was a cool breeze blowing through the canopy and it felt like we were somewhere else completely. Put some speed into the flats and nearly bottomed out on some gravel - Yes, lots of video worthy moments actually - including one of Angie zooming right into a bush! Waha! Hit the nanka loop and confronted my fear of tackling the stairs and rooty bits without following someone else's line, so was feeling quite whooopy about that too.

It's definitely great fun riding on a Monday afternoon when the trail is dead and there's no one in your way (or you're not in someone else's way). We were like two kids on a roller coaster and I'm sure all the noise we made going down those slopes caused a stir in the trees and bushes.

By the time we got home, my legs actually felt refreshed. Again, again! Fun!

Here are some shots from the shutterbug's camera:

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bt carpark

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quick break

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burning thighs

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we made it up!

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pedal and paddle ubin


courtesy of mingloid

up, up and away


'Self-control is really nothing more than mind control... When you master your mind you master your life.' - Robert S. Sharma

It was tough getting up this morning. I was so tempted to stay under the covers and tell the husband to go in without me. But then I thought of Sharma's words and the whole thing about the procrastination becoming a pattern and how a bad habit can be such that you get too old to change your ways and the physical fitness goal.. (becomes) too unrealistic, I decided that something had to be done about lazy snoozer ol' me. So up I got and in I went. Ram gave me a few pointers today about strengthening my knee, so I'm determined to sort it out. Hasa!!

Okay, back to work.

nip it in the bud


'When fear rears its ugly head, beat it down quickly. The best way to do that is to do the thing you fear.' - Robert S. Sharma

I've been slowly devouring the truths in Sharma's brilliant book. So many. So true. I have a feeling it will become a bible of sorts as the years go by. In a moment of weakness, I realized I was starting to have a great fear - for running. Everytime I run, I am afraid of feeling the pain sear through my knee. Everytime I run, I'm afraid of the little voice which gives up on the goals I only hope to achieve in the years to come.

I was afraid.

So it was time to face it head on. How? '.. attack your fears... If you fear public speaking, sign up to give twenty speeches.' My fear was running again. So it made sense... First, there's the upcoming adventure race in June, then the tri in July. With moral support and resolve from the two Gs at work, I sorted the paperwork out for a 10km run in July after the triathlon.

And with a sudden twist of fate, we're doing Bintan in two weeks! It'll be a good warm up for the other ones coming up. Clear water to cut through, a challenging bike leg and a gorgeous golf course to run through. I'm sure it will be an experience more than anything else and all I hope to do is finish.

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courtesy of

After we received confirmation of it all, I put my running shoes on and headed out the door. No hacking, no fear. I was on a total high. It's amazing what signing bits of paper can do and Sharma is so right about fear being a total state of mind. A negative part of your consciousness. I was running really very slowly but I didn't care. The important thing was that I was doing it and not obsessing about the fear of what my injury would do. Needless to say, I felt the pain 3km into the run and I had to talk myself out of it. It couldn't be ignored, however, so I listened to my body and slowed to a fast walk.

I finished the 5.8km loop in a miserable 55 minutes. But I didn't care - As far as I was concerned, I felt on top of the world again. I just love not being poorly. I love not having to stop to have a coughing fit. I really feel like new again.

Distance: 5.8km
Time: 55:19
Energy: 357kcal



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courtesy of sehsuan

moving slowly


Talk about feeling weak.

Tonight, I set off for a very slow and teeny jog to try to find my legs again. But 100m was all it took to set my lungs off and I had to slow myself down to a halt. I took to breathing exercises and working on my stability instead. I did some plies by the canal and concentrated on the fresh air and beauty of the sunset. Believe it or not, this was all it took to work up a sweat. But I took it as a good thing - How often do we really concentrate on the little steps it takes to run a mile, I thought.

So I haven't really found my legs, which is worrying. I don't intend to run myself to the ground this time - When I was feeling all down about inactivity recently, a mentor told me to live to race another day which I took as great advice. So I'm trying to get back to it as slowly as I had started. This is really going to be about starting from scratch ...

So here I am.


Come on, legs. You can do better than that =)

back to normal


I am feeling more and more like I'm getting back to normal - Finally!

Bronchitis is really such a bummer. Had a really nice day outdoors yesterday - Attended the bike race in the morning. The husband was racing in the Men's Elite cat and I was helping out as a token timekeeper as usual.

My lungs are feeling much better now. I ended up going for some open water training yesterday afternoon, which was really good 'coz I felt pretty alright. Deciding to play it safe with the open water training this year, the husband and I thought we'd swim with other people so there'd be more eyes in the water. So we met Hansel & Andrea for a bit of practice. Managed to get at least 1.5km in without feeling too taxed.

Now all I need to do is add a 40km bike and a 10km run to that and I'll be all set for the race in July. Whee!

Meanwhile, I've agreed to be a slow smurf for the upcoming Perak adventure race. Double whee!

Time to ramp up the training... But don't worry. I'm listening to da body, as always ;)

race confirmed


So after some chatting with the right people, I received my race confirmation via email this evening. This is it, no turning back. My first ever Olympic Distance. Yikes. Talk about intimidating... Now if I can only shake this bug before I start. TAS is sponsoring me this year, so I feel like there's even more pressure on me to NOT fail. Will I survive?

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the race confirmation slip

About me

  • I'm Janice
  • From Singapore
  • Warning: Training diaries of a crazy little person who likes whizzing about and being silly.
  • My profile


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